......my gorgeous, wonderful, amazing daughter was born. I faced that day with much trepidation.......I loved being pregnant, happily sailed through the pregnancy but at 34 weeks, my doctor gave me a little scare. He started worrying about how big the baby was and whether I'd be able to deliver naturally or need a C-section......I was all for the C-section LOL.....anything as long as I didn't have to give birth. My doctor gave me a quick scan that day and after seeing Charley on the screen, asked me how tall the father was and then said "look at the size of those feet".....well Ross is 6'4" and has size 14/15 feet and as I looked at the feet on the scan I had visions of trying to give birth to a mini Ross!!!!!
That was that, for the next 6 weeks I dreaded giving birth and as it turned out I was right to dread the process. It was a very difficult, hard, painful (natural) birth and afterwards I was told I should have C-sections for any more pregnancies!!!!
Well I was sensible and decided to stop right there LOL
Although the process was terrible, my child was not. Charley was the most perfect, wonderful thing to happen to me. She was the making of me, I realised what my purpose in life was and I can honestly say she has been a delight to experience every day of her life.
We never had terrible 2's, no hormonal teenage years, no tantrums, no worries or fears.....what we have had is lots of fun, lots of laughs, cuddles, tears, discoveries, growth, simple pleasures, friendship, affection, respect and love.
How I LOVE this girl........I never knew there were feelings that could be as powerful as this and just when you think you couldn't love them anymore, a new day dawns and you realise that somehow overnight, your love has grown and you love them more each day.
Happy Birthday Charley and thank you for 23 years of pure bliss xx